Revision Tips

Here are a few resources that may help your study skills:

  • "An App for that" - An app designed to keep you organised during the exam time. Surely a stress relief? - Link - Download
    • "It integrates official exam dates for students studying for examinations with all the major awarding bodies at all levels, provides exam date countdowns, stores previous exam results - ideal for CV writing - and syncs to Apple Calendar and Google Calendar. We have also included a section on how to deal with anxiety and coping with exam stress, which I think is often overlooked."
  • How your brain likes to be treated at revision time - A neuroscience student harnesses his knowledge to advise fellow students about memorising information - Link
  • Revision and Learning Strategies - A collection of YouTube videos - Link
  • Best and Worst Learning Strategies - A summary of a detailed piece of research...
    • Interestingly highlighting, rereading and summarising are not good, while distributed practice (little and often!), practice tests and flash cards are very useful! - Link

"I *dare*you" an excellent motivation video about the importance of working hard:

3 things that will change your year:

A Revision Skills infographic (for students AND parents) from @LessonHacker

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