Monday 20 February 2012

Richard Dawkins, Famous Atheist, Appeals To God On Radio Program

In his book "The God Delusion," leading atheist Richard Dawkins famously argued that belief in a supernatural creator is irrational and that believing in God qualifies as a delusion, or "a persistent false belief held in the face of strong, contradictory evidence."

He went on the radio to discuss a recent poll in the UK.

The results of the poll suggest that Christianity has become largely irrelevant in Britain and uses as evidence, among other data, the fact that nearly two out of three people who consider themselves Christians cannot name the first book of the New Testament as the Gospel According to St. Matthew.

However surprising (or unsurprising) that fact may be, one prominent British pastor argued it was highly inappropriate of Dawkins to use that fact to challenge people's "self identification" as Christians.

To prove his point, Reverend Giles Fraser, former canon chancellor of St. Paul's Cathedral, went on BBC radio with Dawkins on Tuesday and asked the staunch evolutionist to name the full title of Darwin's seminal work:

Giles Fraser: Richard, if I said to you what is the full title of 'The Origin Of Species', I'm sure you could tell me that.

Richard Dawkins: Yes I could.

Giles Fraser: Go on then.

Richard Dawkins: 'On The Origin Of Species' ... Uh. With, Oh God. 'On The Origin Of Species.' There is a subtitle with respect to the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.

Giles Fraser: You're the high pope of Darwinism … If you asked people who believed in evolution that question and you came back and said two percent got it right, it would be terribly easy for me to go 'they don't believe it after all.' It's just not fair to ask people these questions. They self-identify as Christians and I think you should respect that.

Dawkins was pretty close; the book's full title is "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life."

Many media sources, and Christians, took great delight in Dawkins' mistake.

Did Dawkins have a valid point?
Was Rev Fraser's arguement a good counter point?

Full article here:

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